We're in this Together.


As we come to work each day, the balancing act of our current situation weighs on us.  Keeping our employees safe, providing the best options for our customers, knowing as much as possible about the COVID-19 virus and wondering if there will be enough business moving forward to keep our trained staff. 

Speaking to customers and other businesses helps us realize the many emotions people are experiencing are the same as ours.  There is some comfort in knowing we are all in this together. 

Sooner Cleaning + Restoration is a cleaning business at heart and as so, we are approaching this situation as our opportunity to clean for health in a bigger way than ever before.  Making sure our customer’s indoor environment is clean has always been our goal and now we hope you will invite us into your home or business more frequently to ensure its cleanliness.

We wanted to let you know a few things that have been happening behind the scenes to increase our knowledge and make us better for you.

  • Various team members have participated in weekly webinars focusing on the latest information related to COVID-19. 

  • Jim and Carrie attended the annual NADCA Conference immediately prior to the shut-down and received a tremendous amount of information related to duct cleaning

  • Carrie completed the GBAC’s (Global Risk Advisory Council) Fundamentals Course with an emphasis on SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19

  • Employees have been trained on the use of Personal Protective Equipment, transmission of viruses, risks and prevention strategies.

Moving forward, we remain optimistic that business can return to some level of normalcy, but we want our customers to know we do not take this virus lightly.  We will continue to research products, cleaning methods, and safety measures so we can provide the best possible cleaning knowledge to our staff and pass on helpful information to our customers.

If you have any questions, please reach out to our team at 405-329-8999.